


Opening: 30. September 2014, 19h
Exhibition Duration: 1. October – 24. October 2014

On 30 September 2014 Galerie Krinzinger located on Seilerstätte 16, 1010 Vienna, will be opening the exhibition of Brazilian artist Marilá Dardot titled “HIER”. At the invitation of Ursula Krinzinger and the two curators Adriano Pedrosa and Luisa Duarte, Marilá Dardot spent several weeks participating in the Artist-in-Residence-Program of Krinzinger Projekte. Now she is presenting the works that she created during her stay in Vienna.

In addition to other projects Marilá Dardot developed a series of works that used books and text or language as formal and conceptual inputs. In 2004 she began an archival collection of the word “silence” which she noticed while reading books, journals and other printed material, in an attempt to bring together the various meanings of the word. “Silence has always intrigued me, perhaps because I am actually a silent person. Here in Brazil it seems strange to be quiet, it makes people uncomfortable.” The pieceSilences shown in the exhibition consists of five different translations of the word silence: calm, peace, tranquility, silence and reticence. The artists printed the various meanings onto recycled paper using wood typographies.

Marilá Dardot’s oeuvre is characterized on various levels by her collaborations with other artists and references to intellectuals and writers. “I’ve never created anything on my own. My work usually relates either to an author, a book, a work of art, sometimes to visitors at the exhibition: there is always an Other at some stage of the process.” During her residency-stay at Krinzinger Projekte, the artist collected old books that she liked the looks of but which she was unable to read since they were in German. The installation Minha Biblioteca Vienense (My Viennese library) is a collection of book covers that – arranged according to colors and sizes – make for a colorful, geometric landscape “that could be understood as my inability to read them, but also as an attempt to create other meanings through abstraction.” For the second installation Código desconhecido (Unknown Code)she used those book pages that were not used inMinha Biblioteca Vienense. However, she removed the printed part of the book pages so that only the back pages of the book remained. The latter were arranged according to size so that they resembled illegible barcodes: “We can no longer read the narratives, but only its structure, which used to put the pages together in the correct order.“


